This is a pretrained model described in the paper:
Classification of crystallization outcomes using deep convolutional neural networks.
This model takes images of crystallization experiments as an input:
It classifies it as belonging to one of four categories: crystals, precipitate, clear, or ‘others’.
The model is a variant of Inception-v3 trained on data from the MARCO repository.
The model can be downloaded from:
Install TensorFlow and the Google Cloud SDK.
Download and unzip the model:
Convert your image into a JSON request using:
python 002s_C6_ImagerDefaults_9.jpg > request.json
gcloud ml-engine local predict --model-dir=savedmodel --json-instances=request.json
The request should return normalized scores for each class:
CLASSES SCORES [u'Crystals', u'Other', u'Precipitate', u'Clear'] [0.926338255405426, 0.026199858635663986, 0.026074528694152832, 0.021387407556176186]
The model can also be accessed on Google CloudML by issuing:
gcloud ml-engine predict --model marco_168219_model --json-instances request.json
Ask the author for access privileges to the CloudML instance.
is a sample from the
MARCO repository, contributed to the dataset under the CC BY 4.0 license.
Vincent Vanhoucke (github: vincentvanhoucke)