
Quick start: DELF extraction and matching


Install DELF library

To be able to use this code, please follow these instructions to properly install the DELF library.

Download Oxford buildings dataset

To illustrate DELF usage, please download the Oxford buildings dataset. To follow these instructions closely, please download the dataset to the tensorflow/models/research/delf/delf/python/examples directory, as in the following commands:

# From tensorflow/models/research/delf/delf/python/examples/
mkdir data && cd data
mkdir oxford5k_images oxford5k_features
tar -xvzf oxbuild_images.tgz -C oxford5k_images/
cd ../
echo data/oxford5k_images/hertford_000056.jpg >> list_images.txt
echo data/oxford5k_images/oxford_000317.jpg >> list_images.txt

Download pre-trained DELF model

Also, you will need to download the trained DELF model:

# From tensorflow/models/research/delf/delf/python/examples/
mkdir parameters && cd parameters
tar -xvzf delf_gld_20190411.tar.gz

DELF feature extraction

Now that you have everything in place, running this command should extract DELF features for the images hertford_000056.jpg and oxford_000317.jpg:

# From tensorflow/models/research/delf/delf/python/examples/
python3 \
  --config_path delf_config_example.pbtxt \
  --list_images_path list_images.txt \
  --output_dir data/oxford5k_features

Image matching using DELF features

After feature extraction, run this command to perform feature matching between the images hertford_000056.jpg and oxford_000317.jpg:

python3 \
  --image_1_path data/oxford5k_images/hertford_000056.jpg \
  --image_2_path data/oxford5k_images/oxford_000317.jpg \
  --features_1_path data/oxford5k_features/hertford_000056.delf \
  --features_2_path data/oxford5k_features/oxford_000317.delf \
  --output_image matched_images.png

The image matched_images.png is generated and should look similar to this one:




matplotlib may complain with a message such as no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable. To fix this, one option is add the line backend : Agg to the file .config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc. On this problem, see the discussion here.


By default, skimage 0.13.XX or 0.14.1 is installed if you followed the instructions. According to [] If you have scikit-image related issues, upgrading to a version above 0.14.1 with pip3 install -U scikit-image should fix the issue