
TF Vision Example Project

This is a minimal example project to demonstrate how to use TF Model Garden’s building blocks to implement a new vision project from scratch.

Below we use classification as an example. We will walk you through the process of creating a new projects leveraging existing components, such as tasks, data loaders, models, etc. You will get better understanding of these components by going through the process. You can also refer to the docstring of corresponding components to get more information.

Create Model

In, we show how to create a new model. The ExampleModel is a subclass of tf.keras.Model that defines necessary parameters. Here, you need to have input_specs to specify the input shape and dimensions, and build layers within constructor:

class ExampleModel(tf.keras.Model):
  def __init__(
    num_classes: int,
    input_specs: tf.keras.layers.InputSpec = tf.keras.layers.InputSpec(
        shape=[None, None, None, 3]),
    # Build layers.

Given the ExampleModel, you can define a function that takes a model config as input and return an ExampleModel instance, similar as build_example_model. As a simple example, we define a single model. However, you can split the model implementation to individual components, such as backbones, decoders, heads, as what we do here. And then in build_example_model function, you can hook up these components together to obtain your full model.

Create Dataloader

A dataloader reads, decodes and parses the input data. We have created various dataloaders to handle standard input formats for classification, detection and segmentation. If you have non-standard or complex data, you may want to create your own dataloader. It contains a Decoder and a Parser.

Create Config

Next you will define configs for your project. All configs are defined as dataclass objects, and can have default parameter values.

First, you will define your ExampleDataConfig. It inherits from config_definitions.DataConfig that already defines a few common fields, like input_path, file_type, global_batch_size, etc. You can add more fields in your own config as needed.

You can then define you model config ExampleModel that inherits from hyperparams.Config. Expose your own model parameters here.

You can then define your Loss and Evaluation configs.

Next, you will put all the above configs into an ExampleTask config. Here you list the configs for your data, model, loss, and evaluation, etc.

Finally, you can define a tf_vision_example_experiment, which creates a template for your experiments and fills with default parameters. These default parameter values can be overridden by a YAML file, like example_config_tpu.yaml. Also, make sure you give a unique name to your experiment template by the decorator:

def tf_vision_example_experiment() -> cfg.ExperimentConfig:
  """Definition of a full example experiment."""
  # Create and return experiment template.

Create Task

A task is a class that encapsules the logic of loading data, building models, performing one-step training and validation, etc. It connects all components together and is called by the base Trainer.

You can create your own task by inheriting from base Task, or from one of the tasks we already defined, if most of the operations can be reused. An ExampleTask inheriting from ImageClassificationTask can be found here. We will go through each important components in the task in the following.

Import registry

To use your custom dataloaders, models, tasks, etc., you will need to register them properly. The recommended way is to have a single file with all relevant files imported, for example, You can see in this file we import all our custom components:

# pylint: disable=unused-import
from official.common import registry_imports
from import example_config
from import example_input
from import example_model
from import example_task


You can create your own trainer by branching from our core trainer. Just make sure you import the registry like this:

from import registry_imports  # pylint: disable=unused-import

You can run training locally for testing purpose:

# Assume you are under official/vision/examples.
python3 starter/ \
  --experiment=tf_vision_example_experiment \
  --config_file=${PWD}/example/example_config_local.yaml \
  --mode=train \

It can also run on Google Cloud using Cloud TPU. Here is the instruction of using Cloud TPU and here is a more detailed tutorial of training a ResNet-RS model. Following the instructions to set up Cloud TPU and launch training by:

EXP_TYPE=tf_vision_example_experiment  # This should match the registered name of your experiment template.
EXP_NAME=exp_001  # You can give any name to the experiment.
# Now launch the experiment.
python3 example/ \
  --experiment=$EXP_TYPE \
  --mode=train \
  --tpu=$TPU_NAME \